Check Out What's Happening At Eshleman!

Excellent Egg drop

October 3, 2024

October 3, 2024 was Egg Drop Day in 3rd grade!  They read a book called Wild Robot. They are trying to save their eggs just like the wild robot did in the book.  First, all of the 3rd graders grabbed their creations with the eggs inside.  The 3rd graders all walked to the side of the school.  Then, Mrs. Goodling and other teachers drop their creations. They started with 47 eggs and 32 of those eggs survived. The exciting mystery was if your egg survived or not! Olivia from Mrs.Tran’s class said, “I got egg on my shirt!” Harper from Mrs. Goodling's class said, “ It was very fun and I might do it at home.” Elaina from Mrs.Tran’s class said, “ I thought it was going to break!” It was an egg-cellent day in 3rd grade!

By: Bella Garner & Elsie Hoffman

           Mrs. Terry’s Amazing Apple day Awesomeness! 

September 27, 2024

On Friday, September 27th, it was Johnny Appleseed day! The first graders were given an apple; green, yellow, or red. Next, they were split into 5 groups of 5 or 6. Then, they received an information sheet to fill out about their apple. Each kid filled out their sheet, paying close attention to their apple. They had to tell the color of their apple, draw their apple, drop their apple into a plastic bucket of water; to see if it would sink or  float, and with the help of their teacher, cut open the apple and count the seeds! The first graders had lots of fun experimenting with apples!

By: Teagan Collins & Micah Horting 

Sixth Graders Take On the Millersville Parade 

September 30, 2024

On September 21st, sixth graders marched in the 2024 Millersville Parade.  See what our student reporters had to say about the experience.    

This. Is. It.  The sixth graders were about to march in the Millersville parade to represent Eshleman. The banner was flying high as we were marching down the street. People yelling, “Go ESH!” or “ESH is the best!”  The parade was two miles long, and it took about an hour.  The sidewalk was piled with chairs and spectators. We were running low on candy when the parade was in full swing. As we turned the final corner, the parade was sadly over. This was a great time! 

By Tristan Evans & Aiden Burke

Eshleman is learning beyond the school walls!

September 13, 2024

Last year, Eshleman received a grant from the Department of Environmental Protection to create an outdoor classroom. Using the grant funds, a whiteboard kiosk was constructed and 5 gallon buckets with padded seats were purchased. Teachers and students can now use the outdoor classroom as another learning space at Eshleman.  

Miss Houck's 2nd grade class was the first class to use the outdoor classroom! They were thrilled to have the experience of being outdoors learning. Together, they put together two mini performances inspired by the Frog and Toad book series.

Here is what some second grade students had to say about using the outdoor classroom: 

"I liked being outside because it felt cool and I loved listening and learning outside."  - Jeremiah

"I liked the birds chirping outside and also loved listening and learning outside." - Evelyn 

"It is very fun because you get to see stuff you don't normally get to see." - McKynzie

"There is all these cool leaves and trees. I have never seen a whiteboard outside before." - Phoebe

By Teagn Collins & Owen Dietrich

Mrs. Becker’s 5th grade class launches into the 2024-2025 school year with their own catapults!

September 5, 2024

What happens when you combine popsicle sticks, tape, rubber bands, and other commonly used materials? You get a marshmallow launching catapult! To kick off the school year, Mrs. Becker’s 5th grade class made their own crazy catapults! Pairs of two worked together to create their masterpiece. All 13 teams competed in an epic tournament to see who could launch their marshmallow the farthest! 

By Teagan Collins 

Welcome Back Eshleman!

August 26, 2024

August 26th was the first day of the 2024-2025 for students at Eshleman Elementary School!  As students walked to the doors on the first day, they were able to read encouraging messages chalked on the sidewalk by our Eshleman PTO!  

At our first day assembly, we welcomed two new teachers, Mrs. Cortez and Miss Houck, as well as many new students to our school.  We discussed the importance of engaging in the classroom by actively listening, taking feedback from adults, and giving your best effort.  

We look forward to many more exciting days at Eshleman during the 2024-2025 school year!